Advertising 101 For Entrepreneurs Part 5

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Returning phone calls is another time-stealer for entrepreneurs. Time-management experts recommend setting aside an hour a day to make and return your phone calls. But which hour do you choose? The best times of day are the first two hours of the morning or the last two hours of the afternoon. Those are the times when most people are in the office and accessible.

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Do you think business is doing better because of your optimistic attitude? I would think so. However many management experts are now saying that pessimists make better managers. Why? Because they're always thinking of what could go wrong and are coming up with solutions to problems in case the worst happens. My suggestion is not to toss your optimism away, I've found it very helpful some days, instead force yourself to write down everything that could go wrong with a new project, ideas, or employees. (Remember "Murphy's Law - Whatever can go wrong, will.") Personally, I think Murphy was an optimist! My advice is to be optimistic but be prepared. Once you do this you'll naturally be prepared with solutions if disaster does strike.

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In this present age of computers and time-saving gadgets, we are at times prone to purchasing the latest thing that promises to save us some work. When it comes to purchasing software, a good question to ask yourself is: Is it better than a pencil? The answer will help you decide if the expense is really justified. Keep in mind that computers are supposed to make your work easier and faster.

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For the entrepreneur that travels overseas often, consider registering your hand print with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and obtaining an INSPASS card. It's not exactly Star Trek technology, but it's close. With the card, all you have to do is slide it through a machine, press your hand against a screen, and slip on through bypassing the lines.

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