Advertising 101 For Entrepreneurs Part 2

* Watch Your Language. Most people don't realize the power that's packed in language. One misused phrase can upset thousands of people, so keep you antennas up and use your judgment.

For instance, use nothing at the expense of a certain group. This will offend people. Instead, show that an ad can get results from scores of readers and a smile from every one of them.

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Don't make fun of the prospect in a "we're just kidding" way. He's not paying much attention to your ad, so he won't get the subtle nuances of your wit - only enough to be insulted.

If you can follow these hints you should be able to work out a "cracker-jack" ad for either yourself or a client. Next week we'll take a look at handling the media. -30-

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KNOW THE SCORE by Maureen Stephenson

Advertising 101 By/For Entrepreneurs

When you're doing your ad, remember that you must use psychology. You must, and I mean MUST, make your prospect want your product more than anything they can think of - and right NOW!

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By the time they get through reading your ad, they should be panting to run out to your store or shove their check in an envelope and run to the mailbox.

Today I'm going to give you some tips that will help you. First always remember that enticing, siren of advertising AIDA. Who is AIDA you ask? Well AIDA stands for, * A=Attention - Grab your targets attention. * I=Interest - Create curiosity * D=Detail - Provide details * A=Action - Call for action

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If you have AIDA before you every time you start to do an ad, you'll never fail. The most important point is the "call to action". You'd be surprised at the number of sales that are lost because the client is never asked to "order now, try it for 30 days, fill out the coupon" - or whatever you use to make your client take action.

Here are some advertising pearls that will keep you on the beam:

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* Force yourself to operate under deadlines. When you start buying advertising space you'll have to meet deadlines so get used to them. * A good headline answers the question WIIFM (What's In It For Me)? * A customer who buys from you two times is twice as likely to buy as a customer that only buys from you once. * If you've got a good product, a good, liberal, strong guarantee should go with it and will increase your sales. The amount of returns/refunds you get will be insignificant compared to the increase in sales. * The more your sales letter looks like a "personal" letter, the better it will work

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