KNOW THE SCORE by Maureen Stephenson
Image, Time saving and Cash Saving Tips
Since entrepreneurs are wearing all the hats in their business, every little shortcut or tip that makes life easier is always welcome. Let me share some "been there-done that" information with you to make your business life a little easier.
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Office furnishings and decorations say a great deal about you, so to convey the image you want to convey pay attention to these:
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* Furniture Arrangement: Setting your desk in the middle of the floor with chairs facing it conveys a "formal" atmosphere. It conveys to your clients that you want to maintain a distance from visitors. Instead, place your desk against a wall (not facing it) to convey confidence. * Messy Desks: A small amount of messiness implies comfort and friendliness, but too much clutter makes visitors think you don't care about making a good impression on anyone. The opposite extreme, an immaculate desk conveys coldness and could be perceived as you not having enough work to do. * Decorations: Plants, drapes, and artwork will convey a comfortable, relaxed attitude. Books and artwork express your sincerity. * Awards & Certificates: If job-related, they reassure visitors that you are experienced and competent.
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Planning is essential for the entrepreneur, and all you need is 30 minutes to plan your entire week if you use the OATS formula. 1. Objectives: What results do you want to have by week end? Write them down and rank them. 2. Activities: List the necessary activities you must do to achieve your goals, and rank them. 3. Time: How much time will each activity require? Plan realistically allowing more time than you think you'll need to compensate for unexpected problems. 4. Schedule: Look at your calendar and decide when you can do each activity. Most people underestimate the power of a schedule, but you won't accomplish anything if you don't schedule the time.
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Underlining reading material is another great time saver. With the mountains of material entrepreneurs must read to keep abreast of their niche, being able to find it again when you need it is essential. After you've read the article/book/paper/report, then go back and underline the important information so you can find it again easily. The reason for underlining after you has read it. is because most of us underline too many words before we've finished the passage and understand the key points. Wait until you've finished an entire section or chapter, then go back and highlight key points.
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